Neuenkirch Business directory Page 21

> Switzerland > Canton of Lucerne > Amt Sursee > Neuenkirch

Business entries of Neuenkirch are listed here with contact, opening hours and experience reports of customers. You can enlist your own company entry or association here.

Neuenkirch entries

There were 825 entries found INT

Sonneland 1
6206, Neuenkirch

 041 467 13 88
 041 467 31 88

Hubelrain 6
6206, Neuenkirch

 076 528 51 65

Sempachstrasse 10
6203, Sempach Station

 041 467 24 34

Surseestrasse 14
6206, Neuenkirch

 041 930 01 76

War Thunder INT

Sempachstrasse 7
6203, Sempach Station

 041 467 19 19
 041 467 23 55

Luzernstrasse 16
6016, Hellbühl

 041 467 13 66

Willistattstrasse 2
6206, Neuenkirch

 041 468 00 88
 041 468 00 87

Surseestrasse 53
6206, Neuenkirch

 041 467 17 27

Surseestrasse 60
6206, Neuenkirch

 078 697 17 22

6206, Neuenkirch

 079 724 72 58

Bahnhofstrasse 19a
6203, Sempach Station

 041 469 40 40

Bergstrasse 2
6206, Neuenkirch

 076 721 83 69

Seestrasse 8
6203, Sempach Station

 041 467 30 74

Eggstrasse 13
6206, Neuenkirch

 041 467 23 05

Luzernstrasse 18
6206, Neuenkirch

 041 467 24 24
 041 467 28 28

Rotbachweg 6
6016, Hellbühl

 079 432 19 68
 041 467 19 68

Krauerhushöhe 3
6206, Neuenkirch

 041 467 18 94
 041 467 18 91

Industriestrasse 15
Postfach 256
6203, Sempach Station

 041 462 72 72
 041 462 72 77

Sonnmattstrasse 17
6206, Neuenkirch

 041 467 32 10

Industriestrasse 17a
6203, Sempach Station

 041 469 60 00

<< 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >>

Cities & surrounding

Neuenkirch branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Neuenkirch in this month. This month 12 companies were registered, 64 were updated and 17 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Neuenkirch December 2024Diagram NeuenkirchDiagram Neuenkirch December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Neuenkirch with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Neuenkirch 2024Statistics NeuenkirchStatistics Neuenkirch 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Neuenkirch