Museum Business directory Page 8

> Business Directory > Luxury and Leisure Products > Art and Entertainment > Museum

Museum entries of companies, authorities and associations are gathered here with address, hours and ratings. You can register your own company entry or association here.

Museum entries

There were 643 entries found INT

Pestalozzistrasse 20
4056, Basel

 061 267 35 35
 061 267 39 39

Dorfstrasse 27
6301, Zug

 041 725 33 44
 041 725 33 45

grande Place 99
1800, Vevey

 021 925 34 80

Paul Sacher-Anlage 1
Postfach 3255
4002, Basel

 061 681 93 20
 061 681 93 21 INT

Bahnhofstrasse 27
8810, Horgen

 044 725 15 58

rue St-Honoré
1933, Sembrancher

 076 522 18 64

Elisabethenstrasse 27
4051, Basel

 061 205 86 78

place de la Cathédrale 4
1005, Lausanne

 021 315 41 01
 021 315 41 02

Giebenacherstrasse 17
4302, Augst BL

 061 816 22 22
 061 816 22 61

Rathausstrasse 30
4410, Liestal

 061 923 70 15
 061 923 70 16

Ländliweg 7
5400, Baden

 056 222 14 44
 056 222 68 62

Wibichstrasse 90
8037, Zürich

 044 463 46 91

Luzernerstrasse 21
6010, Kriens

 041 310 33 81
 041 310 93 81

7537, Müstair

 081 851 62 28
 081 858 62 92

Carignan 6
1565, Vallon

 026 667 97 97
 026 667 97 99

route du Signal 2
Case postale 38
1000, Lausanne 8

 021 320 50 01
 021 320 50 71

Hofstettenstrasse 14
3602, Thun

 033 225 84 20
 033 225 89 06

Neufeldstrasse 6
3604, Thun

 033 336 32 68

Bahnhofstrasse 1
Postfach 5
8783, Linthal

 055 644 21 28

Fischmarkt 3
8260, Stein am Rhein

 052 741 21 42

<< 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 >> INT

Cities & surrounding

Museum branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Museum in this month. This month 27 companies were registered, 39 were updated and 63 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Museum December 2024Diagram MuseumDiagram Museum December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Museum with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Museum 2024Statistics MuseumStatistics Museum 202401632486480November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics