Lingerie Business directory Page 10

> Business Directory > Textiles and Clothing > Clothes > Lingerie

Lingerie entries of companies, authorities and associations are gathered here containing contact-address, hours and experience reports of customers. You can enlist your own company entry or association on this page.

Lingerie entries

There were 1026 entries found INT

Luzernerstrasse 208
6402, Merlischachen

 041 850 70 75

Wüerleweg 5
9491, Ruggell

 00423 373 66 66

Stationsstrasse 4
8442, Hettlingen

 052 301 10 14

Bahnhofstrasse 4
2542, Pieterlen

 032 377 11 85

Falknerstrasse 31
4001, Basel

 061 261 73 65

Zürcherstrasse 67
8406, Winterthur

 052 202 63 91

Winkelgässchen 5
4125, Riehen

 061 641 55 75

Oltnerstrasse 9
4652, Winznau

 062 295 40 13

Laufenbachstrasse 12
8625, Gossau ZH

 044 935 39 10

Zürichstrasse 10
8340, Hinwil

 044 937 20 30

Wiesenstrasse 4
8867, Niederurnen

 055 610 11 61

Gärtnerstrasse 67
4057, Basel

 061 631 23 70

Morystrasse 59
4125, Riehen

 061 601 45 55

Entlebucherstrasse 36
6110, Wolhusen

 041 490 33 44

Lauterbachstrasse 121
3068, Utzigen

 031 832 58 74

Poststrasse 5-7
8022, Zürich

 044 211 08 37
 044 211 43 01

Untere Bahnhofstrasse 30
8640, Rapperswil SG

 055 210 11 82
 055 210 22 75

Sonnige Lauenenstrasse 37
3782, Lauenen b. Gstaad

 033 765 33 40

Hirzlistrasse 19
8865, Bilten

 079 871 85 97

Hauptstrasse 51
6260, Reiden

 062 758 17 48

<< 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 >>

Aliexpress INT

Cities & surrounding

Lingerie branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Lingerie in this month. This month 16 companies were registered, 60 were updated and 48 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Lingerie December 2024Diagram LingerieDiagram Lingerie December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Lingerie with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Lingerie 2024Statistics LingerieStatistics Lingerie 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics