Hairdressing and beauty schools Business directory Page 68

> Business Directory > Business Services > Training > Hairdressing and beauty schools

Business entries of Hairdressing and beauty schools are listed here with informations of address, operation hours and ratings of customers. You can enlist your own company entry or organization here.

Hairdressing and beauty schools entries

There were 1608 entries found

ch. de Préville 3
1003, Lausanne

 021 312 04 30

via Bertè
6533, Lumino

 091 829 34 27

route de l'Aérodrome 20
1730, Ecuvillens

 026 411 12 14
 026 411 35 35

rue du Clos 5-7
1207, Genève

 022 736 07 00

Aliexpress INT

rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 3
1206, Genève

 022 704 14 70
 022 704 14 77

av. de la Gare 15
2000, Neuchâtel

 032 720 80 50
 032 720 80 55

av. de France 18
1870, Monthey

 024 471 97 38
 024 471 97 48

6945, Origlio

 091 945 45 95

via al Lago
6614, Brissago

 091 793 17 82

au Jardinier 20
1475, Montbrelloz

 026 663 22 00

ch. du Levant 30
1814, La Tour-de-Peilz

 021 944 45 64

route d'Invau 4
1699, Porsel

 079 464 49 23

route du Châtelard 54b
1018, Lausanne

 021 648 21 41

6780, Airolo

 091 869 17 16

route du Flon 28
1610, Oron-la-Ville

 021 907 14 87

route de Payerne 2
1773, Léchelles

 026 660 81 12

ch. de Préville 3
1003, Lausanne

 021 312 04 30

6937, Breno

 058 866 96 55
 058 866 96 55

6592, S. Antonino

 091 858 19 88

route de l'Ecole 1
1772, Grolley

 026 475 10 18

<< 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 >> INT

Cities & surrounding

Hairdressing and beauty schools branches and surrounding

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Economic activity February 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Hairdressing and beauty schools in this month. This month 4 companies were registered, 38 were updated and 12 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Hairdressing and beauty schools February 2025Diagram Hairdressing and beauty schoolsDiagram Hairdressing and beauty schools February 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Hairdressing and beauty schools with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Hairdressing and beauty schools 2025Statistics Hairdressing and beauty schoolsStatistics Hairdressing and beauty schools 2025020406080100January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics