Glass Business directory Page 3

> Business Directory > Construction and Building > Glass

Business entries of Glass are gathered here containing informations of address, operation hours and experience reports. You can add your own business entry or organization here.

Glass entries

There were 509 entries found

Ringstrasse 57
4900, Langenthal

 062 929 40 40

Rüchligweg 65
4125, Riehen

 061 603 77 77
 061 603 23 16

route du Centre Thermal 16
1913, Saillon

 027 602 11 11
 027 602 11 52

Lindentalstrasse 6A
3067, Boll

 079 208 47 55 INT

Grabenweg 1
3179, Kriechenwil

 031 747 57 01

route des Bains 46
1892, Lavey-les-Bains

 024 486 15 55

Hauptstrasse 13
5444, Künten

 056 470 75 51

route d'Estavayer 22
1482, Cugy FR

 026 660 79 64
 026 660 79 67

Bahnhofstrasse 125
4313, Möhlin

 061 851 55 11

Sihlbruggstrasse 114
6340, Baar

 041 760 20 20

Gurzelenstrasse 6
4512, Bellach

 032 618 22 36
 032 618 31 74

Kasernenstrasse 126
8180, Bülach

 044 861 10 60

boulevard de Pérolles 42
1700, Fribourg

 026 426 44 96
 026 426 44 60

Stickereistrasse 6
9320, Arbon

 071 446 06 44
 071 446 05 80

Industriestrasse 3
6285, Hitzkirch

 041 450 59 41

Hodelgasse 27
3645, Gwatt (Thun)

 033 335 39 30
 033 336 39 48

Neubrückstrasse 127
3012, Bern

 031 302 40 73

Keltenweg 16
4148, Pfeffingen

 061 753 86 55
 061 753 86 54

route des Bains
1911, Ovronnaz

 027 305 11 11

Industriestrasse 130
4600, Olten

 062 286 60 60
 062 286 60 61

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Cities & surrounding

Glass branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Glass in this month. This month 10 companies were registered, 49 were updated and 57 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Glass December 2024Diagram GlassDiagram Glass December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Glass with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Glass 2024Statistics GlassStatistics Glass 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics