Fribourg Business directory Page 74

> Switzerland > Canton of Fribourg > District de la Sarine > Fribourg

Business entries of Fribourg are gathered here containing informations of contact, operation hours and experience reports of users. You can register your own business entry or association here.

Fribourg entries

There were 7042 entries found INT

rue Guillaume-Techtermann 2
1700, Fribourg

 026 347 39 40
 026 347 39 41

rue de Romont 33
1700, Fribourg

 026 309 23 30
 026 309 23 31

av. de la Gare 7
1700, Fribourg

 026 341 08 46

av. de la Gare 10
1700, Fribourg

 026 341 03 63 INT

1700, Fribourg

 0848 08 08 08

rue de Zaehringen 1
1700, Fribourg

 026 305 75 20
 026 305 75 21

rue des Pilettes 1
1700, Fribourg

 026 321 33 30
 026 321 33 31

rue du Criblet 9
1700, Fribourg

 026 323 24 62

rue Louis-d'Affry 4
1700, Fribourg

 026 321 54 59

route de la Glâne 33
1700, Fribourg

 026 466 33 83
 026 424 00 91

Grand-Places 16
1700, Fribourg

 026 347 21 40
 026 347 21 41

boulevard de Pérolles 20
1700, Fribourg

 026 322 82 62

rue de la Banque 4
1700, Fribourg

 079 447 79 66

ch. Monséjour 2
1700, Fribourg

 026 424 81 01
 026 424 48 00

av. Beauregard 1
1700, Fribourg

 026 422 40 90

ch. des Lilas 8
1700, Fribourg

 026 322 85 80

boulevard de Pérolles 74
1700, Fribourg

 026 425 47 10
 026 425 47 29

1700, Fribourg

 026 426 74 60

route de Beaumont 16
1700, Fribourg

 026 424 39 10
 026 424 01 27

route Henri Stephan 2
Case postale
1701, Fribourg

 026 460 25 00
 026 460 25 05

<< 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 >>

Aliexpress INT

Cities & surrounding

Fribourg branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Fribourg in this month. This month 17 companies were registered, 54 were updated and 67 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Fribourg December 2024Diagram FribourgDiagram Fribourg December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Fribourg with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Fribourg 2024Statistics FribourgStatistics Fribourg 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Fribourg