> Health and fitness Kanton Luzern > Health and fitness Amt Luzern > Health and fitness Luzern

Fitnesspark Allmend Luzern

Address: Zihlmattweg 46
6005, Luzern
Phone: 041 360 66 91
Fax: 041 361 08 80
E-Mail: Send e-mail

The Fitnesspark Allmend Luzern address is Zihlmattweg 46, 6005, Luzern and the business entry is assigned to the category Health and fitness.

Economic data

Some NOGA economic data of this entry in Luzern with important and interesting facts.

Classification:NOGA (Nomenclature Générale des Activités économiques)
Classification code:2554368209
Company activity:Wellness

Opening hours

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Experience reports, recension and reviews of Fitnesspark Allmend Luzern are listed here. The listed reviews are reflecting only opinions and are not necessarily true.

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Rosewholesale.com INT

Driving directions

Fitnesspark Allmend Luzern Driving directions

Driving directions to Fitnesspark Allmend Luzern in Luzern can be requested here.

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