Construction Valais Business directory Page 16

> Business Directory Valais > Construction and Public Works Valais > Construction Valais

Business entries of Construction Valais are gathered here containing contact-data, opening hours and ratings. You can register your own business entry or organization here.

Construction Valais entries

There were 510 entries found INT

route de Blanchette 2
1976, Erde

 027 346 18 41
 027 346 16 59

ch. du Clos 11
1897, Les Evouettes

 024 481 12 45

Gemmistrasse 141
Postfach 1
3970, Salgesch

 027 456 90 00
 027 456 90 02

Hohtennstrasse 24
3940, Steg VS

 027 932 16 18

Sebastiansgasse 3
3900, Brig

 027 924 80 80
 027 924 80 81

Gemmistrasse 145
3970, Salgesch

 078 866 71 71

rue Saint-Jacques
1965, Drône VS

 027 395 14 62

Lonzmattenweg 8
3945, Gampel

 079 655 21 27
 027 932 34 80

rue de la Fontaine 1
1933, Chamoille (Sembrancher)

 027 785 26 23
 027 785 26 25

Klosmattenstrasse 81
3902, Glis

 027 923 88 66

route Cantonale
1906, Charrat

 027 746 10 12
 027 746 38 41

rue du Châble-Bet 6B
1920, Martigny

 027 722 94 62

Obere Dorfstrasse 66
3906, Saas-Fee

 027 957 31 91

1992, Les Agettes

 027 207 15 88

place Centrale 2
1902, Evionnaz

 027 767 16 32

Sonnenstrasse 18
3953, Leuk Stadt

 027 473 23 46
 027 473 43 46

rue de la Manufacture 15
1967, Bramois

 027 203 14 51

rue du Manège 10
3960, Sierre

 027 452 35 35

rue Henry Roulet 10
3960, Corin-de-la-Crête

 027 455 06 31
 027 456 30 58

rue Centrale 113
1964, Conthey

 079 433 31 51

<< 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 >>

War Thunder INT

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Construction Valais branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Construction Valais in this month. This month 16 companies were registered, 14 were updated and 11 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Construction Valais December 2024Diagram Construction ValaisDiagram Construction Valais December 2024New registrationUpdateDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Construction Valais with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Construction Valais 2024Statistics Construction ValaisStatistics Construction Valais 202401632486480November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Valais