Business centres Business directory Page 55

> Business Directory > Business Services > Property > Business centres

Business entries of Business centres are gathered here containing informations of address, operation hours and reviews. You can register your own business entry or association on this page.

Business centres entries

There were 1376 entries found

Aliexpress INT

Hintermättlistrasse 1
5506, Mägenwil

 062 886 50 30
 062 886 50 31

route d'Aire-la-Ville 153
1242, Satigny

 022 753 21 60

Balz-Zimmermannstrasse 7
8058, Zürich

 043 812 88 44
 043 812 90 20

rue des Téxérans 10
2800, Delémont

 032 421 98 88
 032 421 98 89 INT

rue de Corcelles 3
2034, Peseux

 032 886 80 40
 032 722 07 47

route de l'Industrie 7
1772, Grolley

 026 476 66 00
 026 476 66 01

Z. I. la Palaz C 18
1530, Payerne

 026 660 14 98

Talstrasse 3
3053, Münchenbuchsee

 031 850 16 20
 031 850 16 30

rue de Loèche 34
1950, Sion

 027 324 15 62
 027 324 15 89

rue de Chêne-Bougeries 31
1224, Chêne-Bougeries

 022 348 83 15

rue Mauborget 7
1510, Moudon

 021 905 95 95

route de Pré-Bois 29
1216, Cointrin

 022 785 88 88

av. du Technicum 25-27
2400, Le Locle

 032 931 92 82

route de Matran 2
1720, Corminboeuf

 079 230 26 67
 026 475 39 12

rue de l'Industrie 5
1201, Genève

 022 797 27 14
 022 797 27 18

rue des Saars 99
2000, Neuchâtel

 032 729 00 30
 032 729 00 35

ch. de la Boine 31
2000, Neuchâtel

 032 725 47 25

route de Saanen 8
1660, Château-d'Oex

 026 924 44 60

rue du Lac 92
1815, Clarens

 021 989 22 33
 021 989 22 31


1011, Lausanne

 021 314 47 80

<< 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 >> INT

Cities & surrounding

Business centres branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Business centres in this month. This month 13 companies were registered, 39 were updated and 13 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Business centres December 2024Diagram Business centresDiagram Business centres December 2024UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Business centres with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Business centres 2024Statistics Business centresStatistics Business centres 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics