Bassersdorf Business directory Page 8

> Switzerland > Canton of Zurich > Bezirk Bülach > Bassersdorf

Business entries of Bassersdorf are gathered here with informations of contact-address, hours and experience reports of customers. You can enlist your own company entry or association here.

Bassersdorf entries

There were 948 entries found INT

Ufmattenstrasse 57
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 830 53 58
 044 830 53 36

Klotenerstrasse 26
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 838 40 90
 044 838 40 91

Hardstrasse 22
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 838 47 47
 044 838 47 48

Grindelstrasse 12
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 836 39 35

Klotenerstrasse 8
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 836 53 62
 044 836 34 13

Grindelstrasse 12
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 803 24 94

Bassersdorferstrasse 50
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 838 47 20
 044 838 47 21

Klotenerstrasse 76
8303, Bassersdorf

 043 266 09 48

Bodenacherring 44
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 836 42 09

Im Steinacher 35a
8303, Bassersdorf

 0848 88 44 45
 044 830 63 27

Bassersdorferstrasse 50
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 838 47 20
 044 838 47 21

Klotenerstrasse 72
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 836 51 84

Im Schatz 18
8303, Bassersdorf

 043 344 50 45
 043 344 50 46

Kirchgasse 1
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 837 12 82

Hagenbuchenstrasse 21
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 837 28 72

Gerlisbergstrasse 27
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 836 43 43

Holzacherweg 1
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 836 67 48

Chlupfgasse 19
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 836 82 44

Im Steinacher 16
8303, Bassersdorf

 079 370 53 89

Klotenerstrasse 1
8303, Bassersdorf

 044 838 86 60

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Cities & surrounding

Bassersdorf branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Bassersdorf in this month. This month 33 companies were registered, 5 were updated and 63 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Bassersdorf December 2024Diagram BassersdorfDiagram Bassersdorf December 2024DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Bassersdorf with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Bassersdorf 2024Statistics BassersdorfStatistics Bassersdorf 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Bassersdorf